Why Upgrade to a Glass Chair Mat

29 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Chances are that you have some sort of mat underneath your office chair to help it roll smoothly. However, these mats are often made out of rubber or plastic, which are not that durable of materials. You may not be aware that there are glass chair mats out there that are much better than the cheap material alternatives out there. Here are some benefits of using a glass chair mat.

Glass Chair Mats Use Tempered Glass

You may have a misconception about a glass chair mat by assuming that it will easily break under the weight of someone sitting in an office chair. However, the glass used is not the typical glass that you are thinking of. A glass chair mat is actually made out of tempered glass, which is the strong glass that is used in your vehicle, glass tables, and other situations where durability is key to using glass. Your glass chair mat is going to be incredibly strong and able to withstand the wear and tear of daily use.

Glass Chair Mats Do Not Form Indentations

One problem that you may notice with your plastic or rubber chair mat is that it forms indentations over time. This is due to you typically putting pressure in the same spots on the chair mat, which can cause the material to warp underneath over time. You end up getting these indentations that your chair gets stuck in, which do not allow you to roll around freely on the mat. 

A glass chair mat is not going to have any issues with indentations. The glass is going to remain solid and smooth the entire time, so you'll always get great performance out of it.

Glass Chair Mats Do Not Discolor

Plastic and rubber are porous materials, which allows them to easily retain dirt over time, causing the mats to look dirty. This is something that is unavoidable due to the nature of the material. A glass chair mat will resist discolorations and is very easy to clean if they do become dirty. 

Glass Chair Mats Look Great

If you have an office where you are trying to impress clients, a plastic or rubber chair mat is not going to look that great. It will look dirty and cracked, and make a very nice desk setup look bad. A glass chair mat is going to look very elegant in comparison. People will notice it because it is so different, and help your desk stand out in a good way and impress your clients.

To look at glass chair mat options, visit a furniture store in your area.
